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Pet Food
Pet Food

Pet Food


Food coloring improves the color of food and is widely used as an important food additive in food processing, production and research. Colors are widely found in pet food and their psychological impact on the palatability of the food and therefore the pet's enjoyment of it. In addition, specific colors are naturally associated by pet owners with specific flavors and influence the psychology of consumption. Consumers prefer natural colors when offering food and treats to their pets. This has also increased the use of natural colors in pet food.

Types of Pet Food

Pet food is food specifically for pets and small animals, a premium animal food between human food and traditional livestock and poultry feed. According to the form of pet food, it can be divided into dry pet food, semi-dry pet food and wet pet food. Different types of products are available for different pets at different times.

Dry Pet Food

Dry Pet Food

Dry pet food is the largest segment in the pet food market and is made up of many ingredients, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, preservatives and more. Different pet foods have different oxidative stability and shelf life. Oxidation of lipids may alter the color, taste and smell of dry pet food, resulting in a reduction in nutrient content, palatability and food quality. Therefore, the right amount of coloring agent is needed to keep the food in its best condition. Natural colors not only provide good color, their antioxidant properties also help to maintain the good quality of the food.

Semi-dry Pet Food

Semi-dry pet food has a moisture content somewhere between dry pet food and wet pet food. These are fully balanced foods, including canned pet food, homemade dog food and cat food, and have good organization and palatability. The marketability of semi-dry pet food can be improved by adding natural food coloring to match the flavor.

Semi-dry Pet Food

Wet Pet Food

Wet Pet Food

Pet foods consist of a high percentage of water and other dry ingredients and are known as wet pet foods. Due to the high meat content and low fiber content, wet pet foods are usually quite highly digestible. Wet pet foods are becoming increasingly popular with pet owners as they help to boost energy, build muscle and stimulate overall growth in the animal. The addition of natural colors with antioxidant properties to wet pet food can increase the shelf life of the food.

Snacks and Treats

Pet treats are a side dish developed to meet certain needs or interests of pets. Pet snacks are varied and peculiarly palatable and have special claims. Some pet treats also contain special added nutritional elements such as food attractants to meet the needs of different pets.

Snacks and Treats

Daji Belle has many natural colors that come from plants, insects, microorganisms and more. Here you can find a very wide range of color combinations. For different food processing processes, we can offer different natural coloring products for use in pet food. With these natural colors, pet food companies can create more products to increase their competitiveness in the pet food market.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

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