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Daji Belle



Cereals are the body's main source of caloric energy because they contain large amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, and B vitamins. Traditional cereal products are constantly innovating in today's competitive market, where visual appeal remains one of the main drivers of innovation in the current market. Customers have a wide range of options for their demands when natural coloring is added to product ingredients, which also satisfies the desire for visual appeal.

Types of Cereals

Through different processing, cereals can be made into different staple foods or snacks for people to choose from. With the rapid development of the food industry, human beings have gone from just seeking sustenance to focusing on food safety, nutrition and appearance, and food innovations have emerged. The use of natural food coloring has accelerated the development of more creative cereals and provides a reliable guarantee in terms of food safety.

Raw Meat Products


Noodles are a common food. They are usually made from unfermented wheat dough that is stretched, extruded or rolled, and then cut into different shapes. Currently, children's fruit noodles made from various colors of flour are also popular in the consumer market. The addition of a variety of natural colorings makes this product even more creative.


Cookie is a food made of cereal flour as the main raw material, adding sugar, fat and other raw materials, through the process of blending, molding, baking and so on. Cookies are more colorful, such as macarons. Colorful cookies are more likely to catch the eye of consumers. A variety of naturally sourced colors will breathe new life into this industry.




A cake is a sponge-like confection generally made from eggs, sugar and wheat flour, which are mixed, prepared and baked. A typical cake is made by baking. Therefore, cake making usually requires a high level of heat stability for natural coloring. The use of heat-resistant natural coloring enables baking better-looking cakes and improves the competitiveness of the industry.


Bread is generally a food made from wheat flour and heated. Different varieties of bread occupy an important place in the consumer market. The unique color of bread can catch the consumers' attention at the first time. By using natural coloring and accelerating the launch of new breads in different colors, we are able to quickly seize the market opportunity.




Oatmeal is a processed wheat-based food, the first industrially produced breakfast cereal. Oatmeal is divided into regular cereal and oatmeal, and is popular because it can be consumed by simply soaking in hot water. With the current upgrading of consumer attitudes, oatmeal with different colors is also an emerging product that attracts consumers.

Daji Belle has many natural colors that come from plants, insects, microorganisms and more. Here you can find a very wide range of color combinations. Depending on the food manufacturing process, we can offer different natural coloring products for use in different cereal products. With these natural colors, food companies can create a wider range of products to enhance their competitiveness in the cereal market.

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